Today our Prime Minister Erna Solberg congratulates Corvus Energy and partners on their exciting launch that will help us through challenging times.
Corvus Energy presented their new large scale hydrogen fuel cell system. Their key partner is Toyota and the comersial delivery is expected to take place in 2024, with testing the previous year.
Mr Paul-Christian Rieber, President in Norwegian Shipowners’ Association, said that we have a real life lab along the coast of Norway, presented by the maritime cluster. Mr. Rieber saw the the case we were presented today as a perfect example from a colaboration text book.
Geir Bjørkeli, CEO in Corvus Energy presentet with proudness their new zero emission-product that is a cooporation between these cluster-members in Bergen; Equinor, Wilhelmsen, Norled, LMG Marin, the University of South-Eastern Norway and NCE Maritime CleanTech.
Before Hege Økland, CEO in NCE Maritime CleanTech took over the microphone, Mr. Bjørkeli gave honor to Vestland County for their bold demands when it comes to public procurement and the work to enter a future with zero emission.
Its now up to the industry to stay focused and to do their job.
Hege Økland thanked Innovation Norway, who has provided 5.2 million Euros to the project wich will produse the next generation product in fuel cells. She also said that their work on redusing emission & keeping up with global competitors is backed up by the Norwegian Government.
The Prime minister was live on screen and praised the work Corvus Energy has done that will help us though challenging times towards an innovating, green, future.
Spearhead development will secure future jobs.
Mrs. Solberg said that Corvus´ work showed that Norwegian politics is working as planned, and underline the importantance in collaboration within strong, maritime clusters as those in Japan and here in Norway.